How did the hand pies look? Did you love the brownies? How many choux did you eat in one sitting? Yes, these are the things I think about. So today, after creating a gorgeous selection of our favorites for a client to send as a new year’s gift, I was given a gift of my own: direct feedback from the recipients of the pastries.

The Grater Cater St. Louis Style Catering Company is a Maryland based business that was started in 2016 founded on the principles of providing excellent service tailored to client requests.
We cater every event – from intimate gatherings (such as a themed cocktail party) to the complete management of large corporate events and weddings; our Grater Cater Team of planning, production and culinary professionals will help you create the experience you desire. We strive to offer first-class catering to meet your needs as echoed in our catch-phrase “Created Together; Completely You”. Our menu is packed with a variety of ethnic-inspired cuisines, so that clients have a range of healthy food options to choose from that parallels their tastes, and the style of each event.
At our core, we are a family that believes in a great experience. To be a client of ours means that your meal and service experience will always be top notch. Our vision is to become a loyal partner to busy working professionals.

We have a food truck! Click the link below to view our awesome menu for The Grater Cater On The Go!
St. Louis Style Catering and Food Truck
Cooking has been embedded in the Grater Cater family for over 30 years. Our grandfather, Reuben Earl Jenkins, served in the Navy and traveled the world as a Culinary Specialist. He also served in World War II. This experience allowed him to learn how to prepare a vast amount of meals from all over the world. Although Rueben is no longer with us his spirit lives on through the meals we prepare. He was diligent about ensuring that all his recipes were passed down from one generation to the next.
The Navy Cook rating was one of the original ratings established in 1794 with the passage of “An act to provide a Naval Armament”. The name Cook was changed to Ship’s Cook in 1838. It wasn’t until 1948 that the culmination of the various rates Commissary Steward, Ship’s Cook, Ship’s Cook (B) (Butchers), and Baker consolidated into the Commissaryman rating. In 1975, the name was changed to Mess Management Specialist, and finally to its current name, in 2004, Culinary Specialist. On September 29, 2016, the Navy moved away from traditional ratings to an alphanumeric system of Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) codes. For CS, the NOS is B650. Rueben Jenkins was responsible for operating and managing the dining facilities and living quarters established to subsist and accommodate Navy personnel. It is commonly accepted that the “mess decks,” or dining areas aboard ship are the “heart of the ship.” The role they play for the morale of the ship is very important.
Essentially The Grater Cater services mirror the same importance as the services of the Navy Chefs- family time is kitchen time. At our core, we are a family that believes in a great experience. To be a client of ours means that your meal and service experience will always be top notch. Our vision is to become a loyal partner to busy working professionals.
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